Monday, January 17, 2011

Tip for your next paint project...

You think you’re ready to tackle that paint job – but do you have a rubber band?  You’ll need one.  Here’s why.  Stretch a heavy-duty rubber band across the top of the paint can, anchoring it at the handles.  When you wipe a paint-loaded brush across it, excess paint will land in the can rather than in the lip.  You’ll not only save paint, but re-sealing the lid will also be much easier. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Season for Fires…

Winter months most common for fires

January is the peak month for residential fires.  When heating systems kick on, residential fires peak.  Not so surprisingly, February and December follow close behind as peak months for residential fires, but keep in mind that fire safety is important all year long.  If your furnace has not been inspected lately now is the time.  Practice fire drills and check potential danger areas at least every 3 months, and always remember to test the batteries in your smoke detectors. Taking these precautions can drastically lower the risk of a residential fire occurring in your home.