You can save cold hard cash on your utility bills by actually putting a dollar bill in your refrigerator. It's essential that your refrigerator door seal is tight. Leaky doors waste lots of energy over the course of the year. To test the door, close it over a dollar bill. If the bill pulls out easily, you may need to adjust the latch or replace the seal to save some cold hard cash.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Cold Water Cash
To save money while washing clothes, try using cold water instead of hot water. Improved detergents and modern technology mean you need a lot less hot water for your laundry, and instead can use cold water. Replace your old washing machine with a new energy efficient model and you can use cold water to save cold hard cash while washing your clothes.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Get Leg Up On Ladder Safety
This common household accident causes more that 150,000 emergency room visits each year and is one of the most common causes of falls. Worn or improperly used ladders cause hundreds of thousands of serious injuries each year. To stay safe, make sure your ladder has slip-resistant rungs and feet. Inspect it for cracked uprights, split rungs or loose rivets. When using an extension ladder, make sure the bottom is pulled away from the wall by at least one quarter of the height you need to work at (refer to the illustration above for proper setup) and never stand on the top rung of any type of ladder.
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