Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Seriously Hot Attic!

I took this infrared thermal imaging picture during an attic inspection of a home in Oak Cliff last week.  Yellow/white represents heat and black/purple represents the cooler end of the spectrum.  This particular attic was equipped with soffit vents only (vents under the eaves).  There was absolutely NO other ventilation.  As you might imagine, with the ambient temperature hovering around 94°, the heat building in the attic was unbearable.  The attic temperature had soared above 150°.  It was recorded at 151.5°F to be precise.  That is CRAZY HOT!  The air conditioner was also unable to overcome the heat because most of the A/C ducts were routed through this insanely hot attic.

Needless to say the home buyer was very grateful to be informed about this issue...

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